#> -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- metaverse 0.0.1 --
#> v robvis       0.1.0          v metadat      0.1.0     
#> v metafor      2.0.0          v broom
#> v tidymeta     v pubBias      0.0.1     
#> v litsearchr   0.1.0          v metaDigitise 1.0.0     
#> v revtools     0.3.0

Model objects can be challenging to work with in their raw form in R. The broom:: package provides tools to extract commonly desired model output in table form:

  1. tidy() summarizes information about model components
  2. glance() reports information about the entire model
  3. augment() adds information about observations to a dataset ()


We begin by creating a random-effects model object via metafor::, which is included in the metaverse::.

# grab a dataset from metafor
# from the metafor homepage <-
ma_model <-
    measure = "RR",
    ai = tpos,
    bi = tneg,
    ci = cpos,
    di = cneg,
    data =
  ) %>% rma(yi, vi, data = ., method = "EB")

broom functionality

We can now use broom:: functionality to manage the output in a common format

  1. tidy() summarizes information about model components
ma_model %>% tidy() %>% knitr::kable()
study type estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
1 study -0.8893113 0.5706004 -1.5585538 NA -2.0076675 0.2290448
2 study -1.5853887 0.4411135 -3.5940606 NA -2.4499552 -0.7208221
3 study -1.3480731 0.6444905 -2.0916883 NA -2.6112513 -0.0848950
4 study -1.4415512 0.1414568 -10.1907507 NA -1.7188015 -1.1643009
5 study -0.2175473 0.2262966 -0.9613369 NA -0.6610806 0.2259860
6 study -0.7861156 0.0831001 -9.4598689 NA -0.9489887 -0.6232425
7 study -1.6208982 0.4722470 -3.4323101 NA -2.5464854 -0.6953111
8 study 0.0119523 0.0629411 0.1898972 NA -0.1114099 0.1353146
9 study -0.4694176 0.2375589 -1.9760057 NA -0.9350245 -0.0038108
10 study -1.3713448 0.2702310 -5.0747131 NA -1.9009878 -0.8417018
11 study -0.3393588 0.1114101 -3.0460324 NA -0.5577186 -0.1209990
12 study 0.4459134 0.7297300 0.6110663 NA -0.9843311 1.8761579
13 study -0.0173139 0.2672165 -0.0647937 NA -0.5410487 0.5064208
Overall summary -0.7149682 0.1808922 -3.9524542 7.74e-05 -1.0695104 -0.3604260
  1. glance() reports information about the entire model
ma_model %>% glance()  %>% knitr::kable()
i.squared h.squared tau.squared logLik deviance AIC BIC AICc
ML 92.33034 13.03839 0.3180685 -12.69434 37.17454 29.38867 30.51857 30.58867
  1. augment() adds information about observations to a dataset ()
ma_model %>% augment() %>% knitr::kable()
y .fitted .resid .hat .cooksd .std.resid .dffits .cov.ratio tau.squared.del qe.del .weight .dfbetas
-0.8893113 -0.8011218 0.4114171 -1.6074845 0.0052409 -0.1743432 0.0508379 0.0012736 -0.2131968 -0.0346868 1.1559082 0.3557591 151.58257 5.083791 -0.0341029
-1.5853887 -1.2550121 0.3541752 -1.9491828 -0.5608415 -0.8704205 0.0638291 0.1127214 -1.2873585 -0.3433276 1.0063461 0.2956598 145.31761 6.382915 -0.3457374
-1.3480731 -0.9895260 0.4366086 -1.8452632 -0.1337889 -0.6331050 0.0446146 0.0251089 -0.7465310 -0.1566895 1.0917526 0.3347164 150.19704 4.461462 -0.1552226
-1.4415512 -1.3985465 0.1376238 -1.6682843 -1.1288088 -0.7265830 0.0967881 0.2072828 -1.3855766 -0.4774554 1.0222047 0.2873981 96.56260 9.678813 -0.4741775
-0.2175473 -0.2865278 0.2115132 -0.7010859 0.1280304 0.4974208 0.0886106 0.0741674 0.8469886 0.2685559 1.1261213 0.3285400 151.32001 8.861056 0.2687968
-0.7861156 -0.7846037 0.0823022 -0.9459131 -0.6232944 -0.0711474 0.1006911 0.0005643 -0.1187102 -0.0224454 1.2188854 0.3571164 128.18666 10.069106 -0.0226653
-1.6208982 -1.2475045 0.3696700 -1.9720444 -0.5229646 -0.9059301 0.0604747 0.1086793 -1.3017502 -0.3371001 0.9993512 0.2944645 145.82964 6.047468 -0.3400323
0.0119523 0.0030098 0.0625923 -0.1196688 0.1256885 0.7269205 0.1016116 0.1977841 1.4241116 0.4702238 1.0191957 0.2840955 67.98581 10.161159 0.4653240
-0.4694176 -0.5064199 0.2206199 -0.9388269 -0.0740129 0.2455505 0.0873745 0.0211744 0.4071677 0.1395737 1.1853279 0.3506259 152.20506 8.737450 0.1398780
-1.3713448 -1.2487864 0.2460294 -1.7309951 -0.7665777 -0.6563766 0.0836680 0.1127990 -1.1093255 -0.3394145 1.0687229 0.3099100 139.82707 8.366799 -0.3393882
-0.3393588 -0.3534660 0.1095089 -0.5680994 -0.1388325 0.3756093 0.0990133 0.0559519 0.6703185 0.2293929 1.1673499 0.3389876 151.46550 9.901331 0.2305232
0.4459134 -0.2808616 0.4603840 -1.1831976 0.6214744 1.1608816 0.0384705 0.0553645 1.2982901 0.2385894 0.9770428 0.2947524 150.78683 3.847046 0.2426011
-0.0173139 -0.1452194 0.2437487 -0.6229582 0.3325193 0.6976542 0.0840160 0.1196453 1.1878730 0.3524348 1.0520605 0.3037544 149.78842 8.401603 0.3523639


We can use functions from tidymeta:: to conduct subgroup meta-analyses

ma_model_wkh <-

ma <- ma_model_wkh %>% 
    measure = "RR",
    ai = tpos,
    bi = tneg,
    ci = cpos,
    di = cneg,
    data = .) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(alloc) %>% 
  meta_analysis(yi = yi, vi = vi, slab = author, exponentiate = TRUE) 

#> # A tibble: 17 x 11
#>    alloc study type  estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 rand~ Aron~ study    0.411    0.571    -1.56   NA         0.134 
#>  2 rand~ Ferg~ study    0.205    0.441    -3.59   NA         0.0863
#>  3 rand~ Rose~ study    0.260    0.644    -2.09   NA         0.0734
#>  4 rand~ Hart~ study    0.237    0.141   -10.2    NA         0.179 
#>  5 rand~ Vand~ study    0.198    0.472    -3.43   NA         0.0784
#>  6 rand~ TPT ~ study    1.01     0.0629    0.190  NA         0.895 
#>  7 rand~ Coet~ study    0.625    0.238    -1.98   NA         0.393 
#>  8 rand~ Subg~ summ~    0.379    0.276    -3.52    4.34e-4   0.221 
#>  9 alte~ Frim~ study    0.804    0.226    -0.961  NA         0.516 
#> 10 alte~ Stei~ study    0.456    0.0831   -9.46   NA         0.387 
#> 11 alte~ Subg~ summ~    0.582    0.282    -1.92    5.48e-2   0.335 
#> 12 syst~ Rose~ study    0.254    0.270    -5.07   NA         0.149 
#> 13 syst~ Coms~ study    0.712    0.111    -3.05   NA         0.573 
#> 14 syst~ Coms~ study    1.56     0.730     0.611  NA         0.374 
#> 15 syst~ Coms~ study    0.983    0.267    -0.0648 NA         0.582 
#> 16 syst~ Subg~ summ~    0.654    0.360    -1.18    2.38e-1   0.323 
#> 17 Summ~ Over~ summ~    0.489    0.180    -3.97    7.05e-5   0.344 
#> # ... with 3 more variables: conf.high <dbl>, meta <list>, weight <dbl>

Forest Plot

tidymeta:: also has some handy ggplot based graphics for meta-analysis. Graph elements can be added using ggplot2 geoms.

fp <- ma %>% 
  forest_plot(group = alloc) +
  ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  ggplot2::xlab("Effect sizes") +
  ggplot2::labs(title = "Forest plot of effect size by allocation type")


Publication Bias

Estimates the Vevea and Hedges (1995) weight-function model using the pubBias:: package.

#> Unadjusted Model (k = 17):
#> tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.0000 (SE = 0.0516)
#> tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value):  0.0000
#> Model Results:
#>           estimate std.error z-stat      p-val  ci.ub
#> Intercept   0.6212    0.1138  5.458 4.8221e-08 0.3981 0.8442
#> Adjusted Model (k = 17):
#> tau^2 (estimated amount of total heterogeneity): 0.0000 (SE =   NaN)
#> tau (square root of estimated tau^2 value):  0.0000
#> Model Results:
#>               estimate std.error z-stat     p-val  ci.ub
#> Intercept       0.8846    0.1295  6.833 8.314e-12  0.6309  1.138
#> 0.025 < p < 1  10.6636   10.4276  1.023   0.30648 -9.7741 31.101
#> Likelihood Ratio Test:
#> X^2(df = 1) = 5.590652, p-val = 0.018057