The robvis package takes the summary table from risk-of-bias assessments, converts it to tidy data, produces a summary plot (incorporating some measure of weighting for each study), and formats the plot by the tool used.

Users can currently produce summary plots for three commonly used tools: ROB2.0, ROBINS-I and QUADAS-2

Common structure of risk-of-bias assessment output (usually in Excel)

Study D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Overall Weight
Study 1 Low Low Low Low Low Low 33.3333333
Study 2 Some concerns Low Low Low Low Low 33.3333333
Study 3 Some concerns Low Some concerns Low Low Some concerns 0.1428571
Study 4 Low Low High Low Some concerns High 9.0909091
Study 5 High High Low Low Some concerns Low 12.5000000
Study 6 Low High Some concerns Low Low Some concerns 25.0000000
Study 7 Low Some concerns Some concerns High Low Some concerns 200.0000000
Study 8 Low Some concerns Low Low Low Low 11.1111111
Study 9 Low Low High Low Low High 1.1111111

RoB2.0 tool for randomised controlled trials

rob_summary(data_rob, tool = "ROB2")

ROBINS-I tool for non-randomised studies of interventions

rob_summary(data_robins, tool = "ROBINS-I")

QUADAS-2 for diagnostic test accuracy studies

rob_summary(data_quadas, tool = "QUADAS-2")